ROS Development in Docker

9 minute read

If you use the Robot Operating System (ROS) and you are frustrated with system dependencies, incompatible ROS / Linux operating system versions, and non-deterministic builds, then this article is for you.

For each of my ROS projects, I create a Docker development environment to isolate the ROS environment from my host system’s environment. This allows me to easily run an old version of ROS (e.g., ROS Kinetic), on a newer version of Ubuntu (e.g., Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy). The inverse is also true: you can run a newer ROS version on an older Linux distribution. Docker is conceptually similar to a very light-weight virtual machine, but Docker allows you to more easily share hardware resources between the host machine and the Docker container.

Throughout this guide, I will be referencing an example git repository ( that I created to demonstrate how to set up a ROS Docker development environment.

There are a number of other guides to setup a ROS Docker development environment:

I think that many of the articles focus on basic Docker commands, instead of an opinionated description of how to organize your ROS workspaces and repositories to facilitate collaborative development and continuous integration (CI).

Design Requirements

In our ROS Docker setup, we want to be able to:

  1. Use our preferred code/text editor on the host system.
  2. Launch ROS GUI programs from within the container.
  3. Leverage the host system’s GPU, if available.
  4. Make it easy for new developers to start building / writing ROS code.
  5. Minimize long docker command line arguments / options.

Host System Dependencies

As a warning, I’m writing this guide from the perspective of someone who uses Ubuntu for development, but most of the instructions should apply to anyone using a Linux-based (amd64) system. (Note to self: try these instructions on my Windows 10 partition).

  1. Install Docker. Make sure to follow the post-installation steps, so you don’t have to use sudo to run Docker.

  2. Install Docker Compose.

  3. Install git.

That’s all you should need! We will be installing all the messy ROS bits inside of a Docker container, so your host system will stay nice and clean.

Host Directory Setup / Docker Build

On my host machine, I keep all of my ROS projects in a folder located at ~/ros and I will use that directory in this guide to be explicit, but you can use a different root directory.

  1. Create the src directory in a new ROS workspace:

     mkdir -p ~/ros/ros_docker_example/workspace/src

    In this case, the ros_docker_example is the name of my current ROS project. I keep multiple ROS projects in the ~/ros folder. Each ROS project gets its own set of Docker / Compose files.

  2. Create a data directory, which will be used to facilitate exchanging files (e.g., ROS bags), between the ROS Docker container and your host system:

     mkdir -p ~/ros/ros_docker_example/data
  3. Clone the ROS Docker setup files from my GitHub repository under the ros_docker_example directory:

     cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example
     git clone

    The ~/ros/ros_docker_example directory should now contain the following:

    Directory Structure

  4. Since this ROS Docker example targets the ROS2 Humble distribution, clone the ROS2 example repository into your workspace’s src folder. We will be building these example projects to test our build system. You would replace this repository with your own ROS repositories.

     cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example/workspace/src
     git clone -b humble
  5. We will now create a .env file in the same directory that contains the docker-compose.yml file with your user’s ID and group ID. This is needed, so that we can launch ROS GUIs from within the Docker container.

     cd ~/ros/ros_docker_example/ros_docker_setup
     echo -e "USER_ID=$(id -u ${USER})\nGROUP_ID=$(id -g ${USER})" > .env

    Docker compose will automatically read the .env file before running up commands.

  6. We can now build the Docker image in the ros_docker_setup directory:

     docker compose build

Test the Docker Environment

  1. Bring up the Docker container, step into it, and run the minimal subscriber example

     docker compose up -d dev
     docker exec -it ros_humble /bin/bash
     ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber subscriber_member_function
  2. In a different terminal, step into the already running container, and run the minimal publisher example:

     docker exec -it ros_humble /bin/bash
     ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher publisher_member_function

    At this point, you should see ROS messages being printed to the terminal.

  3. Launch the rviz2 GUI from inside the container:

     docker exec -it ros_humble /bin/bash

Development Use Case

The primary use case for this Docker setup is to develop ROS packages. After building the Docker image, you can start a container (once with the up command, enter into it (with the exec command), run a build command (with colcon), and run other ROS commands. For example, you can start and enter a container:

docker compose up -d dev
docker exec -it ros_humble /bin/bash

At this point, you can use your host’s code/text editor to make changes to code in your host’s workspace src directory and they will immediately take effect in the container’s src directory. Then, inside of the container, build the workspace with the command:

colcon build --symlink-install

You can use multiple Docker container terminals by running docker exec -it ros_humble /bin/bash in another terminal after the up command was already run once.

Detailed Notes

The following are detailed notes that describe some of the Docker options/features and why they were chosen. This section is most helpful if you following along with the docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile commands in the ros_docker_setup repository.


  1. The docker-compose.yml file contains two separate “services”: dev and dev-nvidia. The dev-nvidia service contains additional flags to share the host’s NVIDIA GPU with the Docker container. In order to use the dev-nvidia service, you will need both an NVIDIA GPU and you will need to install nvidia-docker2 using NVIDIA’s instructions.

  2. The USER_ID and GROUP_ID variables are passed from .env to the Docker build command via the build arguments:

       USER_ID: ${USER_ID:-0}
       GROUP_ID: ${GROUP_ID:-0}
  3. The network_mode is set to host to allow the container to have full access to the host’s networking system. This is fine for a development environment, but should be made more restrictive in a deployed container (not our current use-case).

     network_mode: "host"
  4. The DISPLAY environment variable display is passed from the host to the container to enable GUI applications. In addition, the .X11-unix and .docker.xauth files are mounted from the host to the container in the volumes section to enable GUIs.

       - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}             # Pass the display for GUI
       - QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1             # Needed by QT programs
       - XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth
  5. The src and data directories of the workspace are mounted from the host to the container in the volumes section. It is important to note that the volumes section of the docker-compose.yml file is only relevant during up and run commands, not during the build phase. During build time, the code is copied into the Docker image with the COPY command in the Dockerfile.

        - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
        - /tmp/.docker.xauth:/tmp/.docker.xauth:rw
        - ../workspace/src:/home/ros/workspace/src
        - ../data:/home/ros/data

    The .X11-unix and .docker.xauth files are mounted to help with launching GUIs from the container.


  1. The Dockerfile contains the instructions to build the ROS Docker image. Our Dockerfile is based on the osrf/ros:humble-desktop-full Docker image provided by the main ROS folks (OSRF, OpenRobotics, etc.) This image already contains an installed version of ROS Humble and many of the GUIs and build utilities, which we will be using.

     FROM osrf/ros:humble-desktop-full
     MAINTAINER Kevin DeMarco
     ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
     SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
  2. After declaring the FROM image and some basic metadata, we install a specific Debian package:

     RUN apt-get update \
         && apt-get install -y \
         python3-pip \
         && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

    In your own Dockerfile, you would augment this Debian package installation list to fit your needs. You should list ROS package dependencies explicitly in their respective package.xml files, but sometimes there are missing dependencies in upstream packages.

  3. Using the adduser command, we create a ros user with the same USER_ID and GROUP_ID as your host system, which enables GUI applications. In addition, the ros user can issue sudo commands without a password. Again, this is fine for a local development environment, but you wouldn’t do this in a deployed Docker image.

     RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' $USERNAME \
         && usermod  --uid ${USER_ID} $USERNAME \
         && groupmod --gid ${GROUP_ID} $USERNAME \
         && usermod --shell /bin/bash $USERNAME \
         && adduser $USERNAME sudo \
         && adduser $USERNAME dialout \
         && echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
  4. Run rosdep update. Also, add the sourcing of the main ROS system’s setup file (/opt/ros/humble/setup.bash) and colcon’s setup file to the ros user’s .bashrc. This provides the ros user with access to the ROS environment every time the container is entered.

     # Run rosdep update, add ROS, Gazebo, and colcon setup to ros user's .bashrc
     RUN sudo apt-get update \
         && rosdep update \
         && echo 'source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash' >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc \
         && echo 'source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/' >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
  5. Near the end of the Dockerfile, the code is copied into the image with the COPY command.

     COPY --chown=ros ./src src

    The code is copied into the image, so that we can install it’s dependencies and make sure it builds deterministically. However, when the user runs the docker compose up command, the code on the host system is mounted over the code that was previously copied into the image. This allows changes to the repository code to show up immediately inside the container for incremental builds. During the initial building of the image, the code that was copied into the image is built with:

     RUN source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash \
         && sudo rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y --rosdistro=${ROS_DISTRO} \
         && colcon build --symlink-install \
         && echo 'source ~/workspace/install/local_setup.bash' >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc

    The ROS package dependencies listed in the package.xml files are installed during the rosdep install command. colcon is used to perform the workspace build. In addition, the workspace’s local_setup.bash is added to the ros user’s .bashrc file, so that it’s resources are immediately available when the container is entered.

Wrap Up

By maintaining a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file for each of your ROS projects, you can isolate your ROS development environments from your host’s operating system. It might be overkill to create a set of Docker files for each ROS repository, but you might want to create a Docker development environment for each set of ROS packages that you use for an overall project. Typically, this would be at the ROS workspace level, but it could cover multiple workspaces as well.

Finally, I use vcstool to track the various git repositories in my workspace’s src folder. It is common practice in ROS development to maintain a vcstool .repos file, which contains a list of the git repositories that your project depends on for source builds. I track my project’s .repos file alongside the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files. Take a look at our Docker configuration repo for the Clearpath Dingo for an example.

Looking Forward

In a future post I will describe how I use direnv to quickly open multiple ROS Docker container terminals.


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